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Primer coat and gridlines

We were lucky once again to have help this Sunday. Nate Wirkus pitched in and with Bob and I, sanded the final coat of mud. After broom cleaning the dust and opening the doors for a while (it was a little cloudy) we cleaned up our mess and set up to put the primer coat of paint down. Bob and Nate got me set up on the scaffolding and then they ran an errand while I painted the wall. I had purchased two gallons of oil based primer and it took every bit of it. I was glad I stopped painting the bump out, which really does not need finishing as it will be covered with a cliff. Otherwise I would have run out of paint. I had to prop open the front doors during the painting to try and air out the area, it was pretty strong. My apologies to everyone who happened to be in the vicinity! This should be the stinkiest it gets though, as the rest of the painting will be done a little at a time and with brushes.

Bob and Nate came back to see how it was going and to help break down the scaffolding and put it away. I had expected the paint to be wet for quite a while and that would be all we could get done today, but by the time I was picked up, the wall was drying nicely. We decided to catch some lunch and come back to put the grid lines on I will need to guide me as I transfer the image. That went smoothly with only one small hitch. We ignored the bump out when marking the one foot measure, so the gridlines are not accurate on the right side of the bump out. No matter though, I will be able to go from the outside-in on that section and it should be corrected.

I'm very pleased with how well this is going so far. Now my next job is to transfer the image using the grid we created today. My plan is to work on this next weekend.


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